
Home / Members / Resource Library / Abbreviations

Below are some commonly used abbreviations. For a more comprehensive guide, consult the ABC of Y’s Men International.

AP Area President

APE Area President Elect

AS Area Secretary

ASD Area Service Director

ASF Alexander Scholarship Fund

AT Area Treasurer

BC Brother Club

BE Bulletin Editor

BF Building Fellowship

BFEC Building Fellowship Expenditures Committee

BFECC Building Fellowship Expenditures Committee Chairperson

Chp Chairperson

CE Christian Emphasis

CS Community Service

DG District Governor

E Extension

EF Endowment Fund

H Historian

HC Host Committee

HCC Host Committee Chairperson

IBC International Brother Clubs

IC International Council or International Convention

ICC International Convention Committee

ICCC International Convention Committee Chairperson

ICM International Council Member or International Council Meeting

ID International Director, Y’s Menettes

IEO International Executive Officer (IP, IPE, PIP and IT)

IGo Internships 4 Global Outreach

IHQ International Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland)

IP International President

IPE International President Elect

ISD International Service Director

ISG/SG International Secretary General

IT International Treasurer

ITC International Travel Coordinator

IYC International Youth Convocation

IYR International Youth Representative

LTOD Leadership Training & Organisation Development

MC Membership – Conservation

PIP Past International President

PR Public Relations

PRD Past Regional Director

PWAF Paul William Alexander Fellow

RD Regional Director

RDE Regional Director Elect

RS Regional Secretary

RSD Regional Service Director

RT Regional Treasurer

S Supplies

SDS Special Development Support

STEP Short Term Exchange Programme

TC Travel Coordinator

TF Task Force

TOF-GPF Time of Fast Global Project Fund

TW22 Towards 2022

WAY World Alliance of YMCAs

WAL World Alliance Liaison to Y’s Men International

YC Youth Committee

YES Y’s Extension Support Programme

YIA Youth Involvement and Activities

YI Youth Intern

YIM Youth Intern Mentor

YMI Y’s Men International

YL Y’s Men International Liaison to the World Alliance

YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association

YR Youth Representative

YRM Youth Representative Mentor