International Executive Committee

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International Executive Committee

The International Executive Committee Members are the International President, International President-Elect, Immediate Past International President, International Treasurer, and International Secretary General (non-voting).

Click here for the list of Legislative Assembly Representatives (International Council Members)

The International President-Elect and International Treasurer-Elect are elected by the clubs duly chartered and with voting privileges on international issues. The candidate receiving the highest number of ballots returned by the clubs is elected. Each club has one vote for each office. The election of the International President-Elect, International Treasurer-Elect and International Council Members is held at the same time.

The International President presides at all meetings of the International Council, oversees the work and activities of the Association and performs such other duties as usually pertain to that office. The International President-Elect, in the event of the absence or inability of the International President to perform his/her duties, performs the duties and has the same authority as the President.

The International Treasurer receives reports from the Secretary General of all funds deposited in and disbursed from accounts of the Association. He/she is responsible to see that accurate itemised accounts are kept and reported and performs all other duties usually pertaining to that office. The Treasurer reports to the President. In the event of the absence or inability of the International Treasurer to perform his/her duties and no International Treasurer Elect has been elected, the International President Elect performs the duties.

When reference is made to “The International Executive Officers” or “The IEOs” this means the International President, International President-Elect, Immediate Past International President and International Treasurer acting collectively.

International Executive Committee

International President

Mr A. Shanavaskhan (India)

Contact A. Shanavaskhan

Visit IP Corner

International President Elect

Mr Keng-Wan (Edward) Ong (Singapore)

Contact Keng-Wan (Edward) Ong

Immediate Past International President

Mr Ulrik Lauridsen (Denmark)

Contact Ulrik Lauridsen

Visit PIP Corner

International Treasurer (24-27)

Mr Erik Breum (Denmark)

Contact Erik Breum

International Secretary General

Mr Jose Varghese (Switzerland)

Contact Jose Varghese