Public Relations

International Service Director for Public Relations (ISD PR) Mathewkutty Sebastian is encouraging us to relook at YMI. Through this approach, we highlight the positives and naturally draw focus to where we want to be.
But what should we highlight?
What are our positive, best features?
While there are a few common attributes that transverse all Areas and Regions (our fellowship, our service, our endurance) what makes YMI attractive will vary depending on culture, age and many other factors.
A key fact in good public relations is knowing your audience. Remember to check out our Public Relations Manual for more tips and ideas.
ICM 21 discussed the formation of communication teams, uniting those already writing regularly for YMI in a project dedicated to the establishment of professional, branded, and universal messaging.
The use of external experts in branding and member recruitment may be considered with engagement at the local level to assure relevance and a suitable approach.
Part of this method may involve updating the look of our logo, possibly exploring options using “YMI” in the interest of modernisation and today’s gender sensitivity in order to avoid uninformed bias against or misunderstanding of our movement.
Some additional objectives of the project include:
- Determining common language – tone, phrasing, keywords.
- Release of regular press releases/statements for important events, our monthly emphasis months, 100-years celebrations and activities etc. across all Areas.
- Regular sharing of news from all Areas and Regions to highlight the global nature of our organisation and the scale of our impact.
- Creating a database of personal stories, testimonials of members, as well as impact stories from our service activities with corresponding high-quality photos and visuals.
Partnerships & Publicity
The only way to become known is to be talked about. This is where partnering and working with other like-minded groups can be useful. Not only do we increase our impact and influence, but we can get other people talking about us. It’s a win-win situation.
Organisational Development

International President Elect K. C. Samuel is looking to the grow and strengthen of our organisation into our next 100 years through exploring:
- Different categories of membership
- Partial, temporary subsidies, awards and other incentives
- Organisational restructuring for more involvement at the Area and Regional levels with staff to assist in coordinating permanent projects and member orientation, training, etc.
- Reasons for membership loss and adjusted recruitment and conservation techniques.
With the long-term, three-year objective of having at least 300 members is all Regions and 15 members in all clubs.
The 2021 International Council Meeting held on 23 & 24 July discussed the idea of ‘extension teams’ with meetings being set up with Area leaders to discuss, evaluate and create actionable plans to address issues.
Growing as an organisation does not mean just increasing membership but building visibility, solidarity and impact through internal and external partnerships.
Through evaluating membership strategies, adapting accordingly and following the public relations agenda outlined, we are building a plan to our next 100 years.