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Gallery: New IHQ Office

Gallery: New IHQ Office

We are thrilled to share a glimpse of our new international office. Located in the heart of Geneva, it was officially inaugurated on 27 September 2023.

TOF Empowering Agrarian Communities

TOF Empowering Agrarian Communities

The YMCA Agricultural School in Odisha, India, and the Environmental Restoration for Adaptation project in Bamenda, Cameroon both focus on sustainable farming, skills enhancement, and environmental restoration, paving the way for increased income, independence, and a brighter future for these communities.

Elmer Crowe Awards 2022/23

Elmer Crowe Awards 2022/23

Honoring the legacy of Elmer Crowe, the 2022/23 awards celebrate the dedication and leadership of outstanding District Governors from across the globe.