The international event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of YMI will be hosted in Taipei, Taiwan from 10 to 12 March 2023.
100 Years of Service

Judge Paul William Alexander
In 2022, Y’s Men International will celebrate its 100th anniversary.
In 1922, Judge Paul William Alexander started the first club in Toledo, Ohio, USA in 1922 to support the local YMCA.
Being a club member during this historic period is a great privilege – but one that comes with increased responsibility. Although our centennial is certainly a time to look backward in honour of our founder and our past accomplishments, it is more importantly a time to look forward. We have been given a wonderful legacy, but what will we pass on? It is our urgent duty to decide the architecture of our future and to lay its foundation. Together, we must build the relevance of our movement and increase our service so that the next generation of Y’s Men members inherit something solid and significant on which to construct their own history.
Legacy Week
The International Association of Y’s Men’s Clubs was established at the triennial convention of the YMCA in Atlantic City (USA) held from 15 -17 November 1922 where Judge Paul William Alexander was elected as the first International President.
To mark the occasion, YMI is celebrating
13 – 19 November 2022 as Legacy Week
All clubs, Districts, Regions and Areas are encouraged to hold extraordinary 100-year celebration events and activities during this week to honour this special period in our history.
Join us for the YMI Legacy Week Kick-Off event!
Live webinar ¦ Sunday 13 November
1:00 – 2:00 PM (13:00 – 14:00 CET)
Be inspired by the ‘Our 100 Years‘ brochure, provided to motivate clubs to celebrate 100 years of friendship and charity. It is our wish that every club in YMI be proud of what we have accomplished as an organisation thus far and be encouraged to continue our work into the future.
Legacy Story Series
The ‘Legacy Story Series’ highlights key individuals, events and projects from the local to global level across the movement and spanning our first century.
Paul William Alexander Legacy Project
The Paul William Alexander Legacy Project is a collective effort to honour the founder of Y’s Men International in the lead up to the 100th anniversary celebrations in 2022. In addition to commemorating our origin, the collection of projects aim to create a unified future, strengthening international solidarity and club members’ commitment to the vision of Paul William Alexander.
Challenge 22
Challenge 22 is the operational plan to strengthen our movement, which includes strategic steps for expansion to 50,000 club members in 3,000 clubs and 100 countries by 2022. Challenge 22 commits every club member to working collectively for the common good and future of our great international movement. If we are to reach the outlined goals everyone must be enthused and engaged. This is where we need your assistance.