Challenge 22
Operational Plan to meet the Goals for Towards 2022 and BEYOND

In 2022 our organisation will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Being a club member during this historic period is a great privilege – but one that comes with increased responsibility. Although our centennial is certainly a time to look backward in honour of our founder and our past accomplishments, it is more importantly a time to look forward. We have been given a wonderful legacy, but what will we pass on? It is our urgent duty to decide the architecture of our future and to lay its foundation. Together, we must build the relevance of our movement and increase our service so that the next generation of Y’s Men members inherit something solid and significant on which to construct their own history.
Challenge 22 is the operational plan to strengthen our movement, which includes strategic steps for expansion to 50,000 club members in 3,000 clubs and 100 countries by 2022. Challenge 22 commits every club member to working collectively for the common good and future of our great international movement. If we are to reach the outlined goals everyone must be enthused and engaged. This is where we need your assistance.
100 Days Membership Campaign
From 1 September until 9 December, 100 days are reserved for a targeted membership extension drive!
Each club member is encouraged to recruit one new person into his/her own club as part of Challenge 22 and each club is challenged to sponsor at least one new club.
Global Vision, Local Action
A booklet with Frequently Asked Questions about Y’s Men International. Click the here to download a copy.
100 Days Membership Campaign
1 September – 9 December
September marks the beginning of second annual 100 Days Membership Campaign, officially underway since 1 September and finishing, like last year, on 9 December. It is hoped that all clubs will participate.
What’s New?
YMI Open House
In 2019/20 clubs were asked to launch the first 100 Days Membership Campaign with a Kick Off Ceremony. This year, clubs are requested to host an Open House – an in-person, on-line, or combination event to which the public (or a select target group of potential new members) is invited to learn more Y’s Men International in a fun and informal setting.
More Incentives to Join
The 2020 International Council Meeting approved:
- the introduction of 50% discount on International Dues during 2020/21 and 2021/22 for young people aged 26 – 35 years* joining as a new club member. *Special ICM 2021 extended this to 18 – 35 years.
- the expansion of the existing promotion giving 50% discount on International Dues to partners of existing club members when they join as a new club member – it’s now available to all clubs regardless of membership size.
Virtual Membership Concept
Inviting non-local persons to join clubs, adding a new, modern dimension to club life, as well providing new knowledge and resource streams. Lets’ create GLOCAL CLUBS – a Local Club with a Global membership!
Need more information? Contact IHQ on the button below.
Challenge 1
Club Members’ Perception
Challenge 2
Image and Brand
Challenge 3
Legacy and Impact
Challenge 4
Collaboration with YMCA
Challenge 5
100 Countries
Challenge 6
3,000 Clubs
Challenge 7
50,000 Club Members