IC 2024: A Grand Success!

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IC 2024: A Grand Success!

The 2024 International Convention & YMI Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand, has concluded, leaving delegates with unforgettable memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. The event, held from 8-11 August at the Empress Convention Centre, brought together 500 club members from around the globe for four days of inspiration, fun, and friendship.

Convention Highlights:

  • YMI Festival Games: Participants enjoyed a series of fun and competitive games designed to foster teamwork and camaraderie.
  • Inspiring Keynotes: The Convention was privileged to hear from distinguished speakers such as Dr Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Carlos Sanvee, and Tom Massey, who shared profound insights and visions for our future.
  • Cultural Performances: The festival was a vibrant display of cultural diversity, with performances ranging from traditional Thai dances to international music shows from the delegates themselves.
  • Heritage Walk: The YMI Heritage Walk offered a journey through the history and achievements of our organisation, reflecting our commitment to education, environment, and health.
  • Excursions: Delegates explored the beauty of northern Thailand through organised excursions, including visits to local temples, markets, and natural attractions.

On behalf of all attending delegates, YMI extends its heartfelt thanks to the Host Committee, the Y’s Men’s Club of Chiangmai, and the YMCA of Chiangmai for their dedicated efforts in organising this event. Your hospitality and meticulous planning ensured a memorable experience for all participants.

To relive some of the best moments, watch our highlight video below: