IP News – August & September 2024

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IP News – August & September 2024

Welcome to the August & September IP News

I am pleased to present the combined August & September edition of IP News. This special issue brings together the latest updates and reflections from our global community, including highlights from the recent International Convention in Chiang Mai and a look ahead at the exciting initiatives we have planned.

As we continue our journey under the theme “Together for a Better World,” this edition captures the essence of our collective efforts and the impact we are making across the globe. From cultural celebrations to strategic campaigns, our members’ dedication and passion shine through in every story.

I invite you to explore this edition, share your thoughts, and contribute to our next issue. Articles for the upcoming edition are due by 15 September 2024, and your insights are invaluable as we strive to make a meaningful difference together. Submit your story >>

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment.

Mr A. Shanavaskhan
International President