Heal the World

Heal the World with Love and Dignity
A service organisation is never static, and the way it fulfils its fundamental mission must be adapted to the circumstances of an ever-changing world. A strong and sustainable movement is one that is resilient and prepared to respond quickly and comprehensively in times of crisis.
Let us not miss the opportunity to turn these troubled times into a Y’s Men’s milestone.
Heal the World with Love and Dignity
IP Slogan 2021/22
International engagement & organisational solidarity
YMI is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic with Heal the World, a global initiative that envisions stronger international engagement and organisational solidarity achieved through cooperative and aligned projects at all levels addressing specific needs, bringing relief and hope into a world ravaged by the coronavirus.
Unified Global Project
As our organisation’s new Unified Global Project (UGP), management and funding will primarily be sourced through the existing Time of Fast (TOF) programme. The goal is to reach CHF 300,000 in TOF contributions annually by adding incentive, excitement, unity and relevance. Independent donations to specific projects will also be accepted.
Projects will also benefit from the support of the Heal the World network, a working space (powered by Workplace from Facebook). The YMI Workplace community aims to bring together the collective resources of our members (knowledge, finance, skills) to leverage them in an inclusive and intelligent manner to optimise our abilities, our impact and our brand identity. It is a place for purposeful, cross-border fellowship and empowerment and the individual and organisational levels.
The Programme
The Network
The Focus Areas
Supply of Relief Goods
Providing essential relief goods during disasters and special emergencies.
Volunteer Support
Providing volunteer service for building or rebuilding houses and community assets locally and beyond borders in needy communities.
Medical and Healthcare Support
Providing support for medical treatments and basic health/hygiene services in low-income communities around the world.
Professional Network & Forums
Providing a digital space for resource sharing and targeted collaboration, a place for movement leaders and specially skilled club members to connect and work together constructively, thus enabling YMI to act with a high level of expertise.
Network Groups
For YMI affiliated club members, including Y’s Menettes and Y’s Youth
YMI Medical Service
For persons with a background in any health-related profession.
A place to suggest, develop and share both local and international medical or care-oriented projects and missions.
YMI Relief & Reconstruction
For persons with a background in any construction-related profession from architects, engineers, interior designers, carpenters, electricians, etc.
A place to suggest, develop and share projects focused on providing adequate housing and community buildings for the poor, also for volunteers interested in coordinating relief efforts in times of crisis.
YMI Educators
For persons with a background in education― teachers, school administrators, trainers, etc.
A place to explore ways to support Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education – working to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) by means such as advocacy, development of educational materials, acting as volunteer tutors or educators, organising collection and distribution of school supplies, etc.
YMI International Volunteers
For persons with a background or interest in international volunteerism.
A place to connect and gain experience in developing and managing cross border collaborations, grant writing, working with governmental authorities and handling complex schedule coordination and trip planning in order to develop and execute effective international projects.
YMI SDG Advocacy
For persons with a background in law, strategy making, policy writing/ coordination, etc.
A place to help influence the development of integral policies and plans for building a sustainable future, following the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
YMI Branding & Public Relations
For persons with a background in any professional field related to branding, visibility and public relations – including graphic design, journalism, copywriting, marketing, video production, etc.
A place to build a cohesive image of our movement through assisting in the development of appropriate materials and to study effective promotional strategies, to develop common messaging and to increase our visibility and attractiveness as a global service organisation.