Results: Election for International President Elect 2024/25

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Results: Election for International President Elect 2024/25

Mr Keng-Wan (Edward) Ong, from Singapore, has been elected International President Elect for 2024/25. He will take office as International President on 1 July 2025.

The election followed the recent appointment of Mr A. Shanavaskhan as International President for 2024/25 due to the health-related incapacity of Mr Chi-Ming (Charming) Shen.

Edward is a retired Managing Director who has also served as General Secretary of the YMCA of Singapore. He is married to Anna Chiam, with whom he has two children. Edward has extensive professional experience, including running an insurance agency and serving in leadership roles at the YMCA. A committed member of the Y’s Men’s Club of Singapore Alpha Chapter since 1980, Edward is involved in social service activities, such as outings for the elderly and supporting education initiatives for street children. His contributions to Y’s Men International include leadership roles at various levels, reflecting his commitment to both his professional and personal values.

Congratulations, Edward, and welcome to this honoured role!


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